Become an Agent of Health Care Change

We seek to educate clinicians and administrators in health care organizations who have high potential to become change agents.

We also welcome applicants from related fields, including health plans, government, legal, consultants, medical educators, U.S. military personnel, and managers from health-related industries, such as health information technology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, human resources, and benefit design.

We encourage you to contact us to learn more about whether the MHCDS program is right for you and your organization.


George Newcomb
Director of Admissions

Application Process and Deadlines

There are two ways to apply to the MHCDS program: as an individual or as an organizational team member. Both team and individual applicants to the MHCDS program should apply online through the Dartmouth College graduate application system. There are three rounds of admissions in November, February, and April.

Financing Your Education

The MHCDS program awards a limited number of scholarships each year. Once admitted to the program, applicants are offered the opportunity to to apply for scholarships and financial aid.