MHCDS Faculty Co-Director Ellen Meara Elected to the National Academy of Medicine

Ellen Meara, PhD, a professor of the Geisel School of Medicine, and an adjunct professor of economics at Dartmouth College, has been elected to the prestigious National Academy of Medicine (NAM). Election to NAM is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine and recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding professional achievement and commitment to service. Read full story

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In the Media

Op Ed: Déjà vu all over again: Health-care spending back on the rise

MHCDS faculty members, Carrie Colla, PhD and Jonathan Skinner, PhD, explore what has really happened to health care coverage and spending since the implementation of the ACA.

Op-Ed: Ask whether a drug works before worrying about what it costs

MHCDS faculty, Steve Woloshin, PhD, describes the low level of understanding across consumers and physicians about the meaning of FDA approval for pharmaceuticals.

The term ‘do not resuscitate’ should be laid to rest

Amber Barnato, MD, MPH, MS describes how the evolution of medical knowledge has led to confusion over the term DNR. Dr. Barnato is the inaugural Susan J. and Richard M. Levy 1960 Distinguished Professor in Health Care Delivery.

ACO Contracts With Downside Financial Risk Growing, But Still In The Minority

Research by MHCDS faculty, Carrie Colla, PhD, an Associate Professor at Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine, and her colleagues reveals only modest growth in the number of ACO contracts bearing downside risk.

Transforming Health Care from the Ground Up

MHCDS faculty, Vijay Govindarajan, PhD, describes why transformation of our health care system will be driven, not top-down through regulation, but bottom-up by innovation.

Is This the Hospital That Will Finally Push the Expensive U.S. Health Care System to Innovate?

MHCDS faculty, Vijay Govindarajan, PhD, describes an innovation that could radically change the health care marketplace in the U.S.

How a Tiny Kansas Town Rebooted Its Struggling Hospital into a Health Care Jewel

An innovative executive (Benjamin Anderson, MHCDS'16) found a way to recruit doctors, help refugees and make money delivering babies.

First Class Training in Health Care Leadership

An article by Inger Meland Buene, MD, MHCDS Class of 2016, who heads the department of child and adolescent psychiatry at Vestfold Hospital in Tønsberg, Norway, on her experience in the MHCDS program.

How is Rwanda like Lakin, Kansas? Both want to improve health care

This article describes a unique cross border collaboration between two MHCDS alumni, Benjamin Anderson, CEO of Kearny County Hospital and Dr. Prince Jean Bosco Kanani, Director of Rwanda Catholic Health Services

Doctors Use Business Acumen to Launch Medical Consultancy

Jeff Alderman, MHCDS '13, and 30 of his classmates used the skills and knowledge acquired in the MHCDS program to launch a consultancy to help other health care providers.

UnitedHealth Executives Go Back to School to Improve Care

A feature story on how students in the first graduating class of the Master of Health Care Delivery Science program are having a profound impact on how care is delivered.

Healthcare Field of Dreams In Idaho: Health System Opens Innovation Center

An article that highlights the innovative curriculum that MHCDS offers.