Darryl Green, MBA

The decision to apply and ultimately be accepted into the MHCDS program was life changing. First, I had to be selected by Navy Medicine to attend and this was no small victory when you consider the previous graduates all have been physicians. That aside, I wanted to gain a better understanding of the civilian health care sector in order to enhance the Military Health Systems goal of increasing readiness of our combat forces, and provide better health care to those we are privileged to serve at a lower cost.
Darryl, tell us about your professional experience.
I currently serve as the Director, Healthcare Business Operations for Naval Medical Center, San Diego. In this capacity, I am responsible for maintaining overall fiscal, operational and strategic oversight for healthcare business operations and directing health care optimization of the Tricare Managed Care Support contract. I was promoted to the rank of Captain on 1 Jun 19.
How have you used the skills/knowledge you have gained so far?
Collaboration is essential to successfully complete the MHCDS program and its essential is our everyday decision-making process. Because of the skills and introspective thought process I’ve adopted while attending the program I’m constantly looking to move our system to get to “yes” without simply accepting the lowest common denominator as the solution.
What is the best part of the program for you – so far?
The two-week summer residential orientation brought back memories of the comradery we all experienced while attending under-grad or graduate school. While the physical accommodations left plenty to be desired, the design and concept to place working professional students in a undergraduate type of living arrangements made us all forget about our degrees and positions of hierarchy within our respective organization and come together as a cohort focused surviving (and thriving) during that formative time.
What would you tell a friend or colleague who was considering the MHCDS program?
Don’t hesitant or look any further for a program that will enhance problem solving capacity for its students. The MHCDS program creates a culture that employs you to proactively seek opportunities to improve care processes by re-defining health care thus reducing the cost and demand for health care.
My time spent in the MHCDS program solidified my thoughts that leadership is difficult because it is a human interaction, and nothing is more frustrating or complex than trying to lead men and women through change. The leaders that do it well earn our respect, because doing it poorly is common place. Thank you, MHCDS, for ensuring you aren’t just developing healthcare professionals. You are developing health care leaders."